
CSI Associate Professor of Cinema and Media Studies Racquel Gates is the recipient of one of this year’s Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Film Scholar awards, for her book in progress, Hollywood Style and the Invention of Blackness.

More information is available in The Hollywood Reporter.

By Editor


In lieu of our monthly Lunch and Learn Series, Technology Training will continue to offer weekly training sessions on the applications that will assist you with your telecommuting efforts. 

If there is a topic that you would like to have covered in the future please reach out to us and we will do our best to assist you.

Please use our Registration page to register for this week’s sessions.  Please note that this schedule is fluid and we may add or cancel training sessions as needed to better serve the College community.

We look forward to working with you.

Be well.

By Doriann Pieve-Hyland


I write today to update you on CUNY’s budget process and fiscal environment for the 2023-21 academic year.

CUNY is not immune to the economic challenges and uncertainties engendered by the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, and in the absence of federal funding to help our State and City through this crisis, our fiscal outlook remains uncertain. While we wait for the federal government to exercise leadership, supporting states and cities impacted by the coronavirus, the Board of Trustees and my office have agreed to some interim steps to give us time until we have all the information at hand to make final budgetary decisions. These steps include:

  • Traditionally, the Board would have voted on a budget by May or June. This year, we are delaying the presentation and approval process of the 2023-21 CUNY budget until more information is available regarding another federal stimulus bill. This includes the vote on the proposed tuition increase and health and wellness fee.
  • In the meantime, and to guarantee the uninterrupted operation of our University, we have authorized the colleges and Central administration to operate on a month-by-month basis (instead of annual) so they can continue to cover expenses such as payroll and purchasing.
  • We have reappointed college assistants and other hourly employees on a month-by-month basis beginning with July, and we are doing the same for August. Similarly, we would have liked to postpone the re-appointment process for adjuncts until our budget is finalized but, as you are aware, the PSC did not consent to our proposal. This forced us to make final decisions by June 30, at a time when we did not have a complete picture of our financial outlook. If the fiscal and enrollment situation are more favorable in August, we plan to re-appoint as many adjuncts as we can.
  • We have almost completed the allocation of the $118 million CARES Act funds in direct aid to students. Because we moved promptly upon receiving the funds, we were one of the first Universities in the nation to distribute the funds starting on May 22. Regarding the $132 million of CARES Act funding that is to be allocated directly to the campuses, we submitted a plan to the State that prioritized student support and mental health services, reimbursements to campuses for COVID 19-related costs such as refunds, and investments in online infrastructure and training. We are optimistic that this student-centered approach will promote maintenance of our overall enrollment levels and sustain our students’ academic momentum. That plan has been approved by the State, but we have decided to postpone the use of these funds until we conclude our budget process, in case adjustments are required. In light of the financial uncertainties we face, this is the most prudent way to proceed.
  • We will continue the efforts of the Vacancy Review Board and the University hiring freeze, which to date have generated $17 million in annualized savings for FY 2023-21.

While I remain hopeful that the federal government will act as it should, I also know that these are financially challenging times, as we saw with the City’s recently adopted FY 2021 budget. The adopted budget totals $88.2 billion, a reduction of more than $9.5 billion from FY 2023, and it includes agency savings initiatives of more than $1.5 billion. We are grateful that the budget ultimately restored funding or partial funding for key CUNY programs, and included an additional $30 million to cover contractually negotiated, fixed, and mandatory costs such as fringe benefits, building rentals, and utilities. Those increases, however, are offset by an additional $25.3 million in efficiency targets above those announced for FY 2023. This means that CUNY’s total savings target from the City for FY 2021 is $46.3 million, about 9% of the community colleges’ total operating budget.

These are difficult times, emotionally as well as financially, with challenges that remain formidable amid a climate of persistent uncertainty. I appreciate your dedication to CUNY and to our students, and I know that together, we will push forward and persevere. As additional information becomes available, I will continue to keep you apprised. You have my unwavering gratitude.

By Félix V. Matos Rodríguez


CSI Athletics, Intramurals, and Recreation, in collaboration with the CSI Gamers Club, invite you to participate in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Online Tournament. More information is available online.

By CSI Athletics


CSI alumna Andrea Dalzell ’19 was featured in an article in Forbes magazine on nurses with disabilities.

By Editor


We are pleased to announce the Request for Proposals for the Open Educational Resources (OER) Initiative for FY2021, which is ysscloud官网.

For the fourth consecutive year, CUNY will be funded from New York State to envision, establish, and institutionalize new and ongoing OER initiatives and practices across the University. In FY 2023, OER replaced textbooks in nearly 7,680 course sections with new enrollments totaling more than 192,000 students, resulting in nearly $19.2 million in savings in student textbook costs. This initiative is more important than ever as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts student access to print textbooks typically available for loan at campus libraries.

小米路由器迅雷云加速app没了什么原因 App路由器:2021-3-14 · 小米路由器迅雷云加速app没了什么原因 。 。。—— 在找资源栏目页面的左上角就是,绑定后通过极速版就可伍远程下载了.1、 在小米路由app2.12.2绑定迅雷,填写小米帐号,之后提示,绑定已有迅雷帐号或自动生成新迅雷帐号,即可绑定.2、 查看小米路由app里面的迅雷是否正常,具体操...

Please submit your application or any questions to OER Coordinator Prof. Christina Boyle at: christina.boyle@csi.cuny.edu .

By Amy F. Stempler


The Virtual Software Engineering Meetup series presents, “An Adventure into Data Systems” on Wednesday, Aug. 12 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. More information is available online.

By the CSI Tech Incubator

Message from J. Verzani, Chair, College Council

A summary of recent news over the past few days from various sources is now online. 

This is taken from a running collection of news being compiled by the College Council and Faculty Senate Executive Committees.

If you wish to highlight any information for the College community, please share at jverzani@gmail.com. 

Be safe.

By John Verzani